I am a believer and compulsive studier of the God who says he reveals himself through creation as we know it and the Bible as we have it. Over time I have been convinced that I am deeply, utterly, and profoundly loved by this God, and so I stumble after Jesus, who is God dressed in skin, and I wrestle with him to eke out and internalize every bit of understanding and truth my mortal little mind can grasp. The great apostle Paul calls this "working out your salvation;" I call it "working out what God has put in."
I've been married to the same good man for 30 years and together we created five amazing human beings. So far they have added two more adult family members and five little ones. They're all a little on the crazy side, but it makes for interesting times!
Thanks for visiting. I hope you'll come back often.
Stumbling together in grace,